Monday, 25 June 2018

Targeted Individuals: An Invitation to the Truth

Hello guys and girls of the Targeted Individual community

It's been a while since I wrote my last blog post. In fact it's been 6 years. Six tremendous years since I wrote The 7 Keys to V2k and the Truth Will Set You Free, the first and second books in the V2k trilogy series.

Some of you will know me, Electric Angel, as the webmaster of

A number of you will know me for formulating The Grid Exit Method, the anti-V2k mind-control program of 2011.

"NOT a Countermeasure. NOT a Shield. Electronic Harassment is DEAD," is how I roll at And as most Targeted Individuals reading this blog will see...

I don't believe in shielding.

Shielding is the euphamism used by Targeted Individuals when they don't know the meaning of Electronic Harassment. Shielding says, "hey, I'm a TI who needs to shield myself from EH, because I don't understand what causes it."

How unfortunate.

Targeted Individuals still looking to shield themselves from Electronic Harassment have already run the full gamut of solutions and exhausted themselves on using the many shielding methods of quack doctors and convention speakers at TI conventions.

The solutions given at conventions range from traveling beyond the atmosphere of earth to escape the frequencies, to diving to the deepest depth of the ocean to negate the targeting and the torture. Another solution is to go underground, into a mine or a cave essentially, to circumnavigate the frequencies that constitute "satellite" terrorism in America, and so on.

Ridiculous and spurious; hardly practical, yes?

To dive to the bottom of the ocean to escape Electronic Harassment. To enter into an underground cavern to dodge satellite terrorism. I don't think so.

Which one - or more - of the so-called convention speakers advocate this null and vacuous advice? Whom of these so-called experts disseminate these halucinogenic statements, designed to keep Targeted Individuals pinioned on false solutions?

Was it Eleanor White, who has since passed away in 2015, Nick Begich, Dr John Hall the satellite guy, or the FFCHS, who said go snorkeling with the fishes to lose Electronic Harassment?

The truth is, it could have been any of these hacks.

But it's time to get real.

And it's more than time to differentiate the wheat from the chaff.

In fact, it's somewhat of a "time out" for Targeted Individuals who continue to buy into such harebrained schemes.

What causes Electronic Harassment?

Is it Satellite Terrorism? Like Dr John Hall says?
Is it Microwave Hearing? Like Eleanor White said?
Is it Nanotechnology? Like some TIs are now saying?

Some of you will know me as the first Targeted Individual to get rid of V2k.

It's not just a rumor.

It's the subject of a major book called The Radiohead Protocol, the third and final book in the V2k trilogy series, written in 2016.

It's the story of an old guy who invented Electronic Harassment and how Perpetrators came to be.

And it's the story of the decline of Perpetrators now, where V2k mind-control finally has an Alpha and an Omega...

... a beginning and an END.

About time too, is what I always say, as an ex-Targeted Individual.

Yours in anti-mind-control since 2011

Electric Angel
Author, V2k survivor and Anti-V2k Activist with a pulse